Long shutter speed...

The day was intended to go to the harbor crossings at the eastern tip of Bali island. Padang Bay its name. Far away from Denpasar tolerable. But since the road was made IB Mantra, travel time to the port of Padang Bay, only about 1 hour.As always the idea to get a picture I got from flikr.com port. Hoping to get something else from the photos I've ever seen before. Because (perhaps because I have never seen) is very rare objects in the capture port on photo sharing sites on-line.  

As always the mainstay riding, I went. Daylight is, yes regular day off. So all morning schedule is deleted. Previously I've been down the road IB Mantra, with the intention of looking for landscape objects. But from a long time in Bali, I realized that most of the beaches on the east side of bali black sand, not like Kuta or Sanur, a sandy brown. Is a bit less exotic. But still, I took dozens of pictures in various places. And only a few are somewhat decent.

As I'd read back to remember the location I have ever been through, and certainly intend to stop, I walked down the street. Some of the places I frequent later. Take some pictures. And continue the journey. 

Day in the afternoon when I arrived at the port of Padang Bay. Not too crowded afternoon. Only seen one ship was docked, reduce the charge. And such other regular passenger ship crossings, cargo ship raised again. Scheduled approximately one hour, for each bongkat and unloading. In the process of this observation, I think to use a technique long shutter speed to capture the activities of vessels, ports and water.

Long shutter speed, is used to obtain a more deep of field on an object. My goal is use the technique, to freeze seawater, so that the view obtained by different photo than just taking pictures with the usual techniques.Day is still bright enough to make me use the ND filter aid. Honestly at that time I have not bought the GND. I combine 0.9, 0.6. 0.3 all at once, to obtain maximum long shutter speed can be obtained. Do not forget to use a tripod.

The moment we are looking for

.... what the mind is sometimes not as expected. Many events are well planned even any, missed from the plan itself.

As a beginner in the world of photography, hopes for a good result, which can be served as the photo, sometimes so difficult. Not easy to get enough light, it is not easy to get a good setting. Takes perseverance and patience to read what comes out of all the study trial and error.

So how do the best:

I think the important thing is patience and perseverance. Everything is back to our own. How do we fight the saturated and always returns our spirits like the first time we get a new camera. Do not give up easily. Remember also be a factor "beginners luck". There will be times when we accidentally get superb images. Classmates might even professional photographer. It means a chance to get a good picture, and certainly there will be at the right time. That was the moment we are looking for.

Cameras are just tools. All brands have their respective advantages. All the lenses in a proper manner, will produce good images. Now how do we use it. Should follow the trend. Do not ever worry about the brands that we hold now. Master and become a skilled amateur.

In the next article, because this time I also gained focus on landscape photography, I do write some basic techniques that should do well to get a good landscape picture. Course of an amateur side.

 Canon 50 D, 21mm/f9
........ it was still morning when I went to Sanur beach. The distance is not too far away to make this beach're always be my choice. Beautiful beach facing the eastern horizon promises something hidden each day. This is what I got that day ...


ISO is often described as the sensitivity of the camera's sensor to light. Usually in the write in the numbers 100, 200, 400, and so on

Number 100 (there are some cameras that have a smaller ISO number), require more light intensintas with a low level of sensitivity of the sensor to produce a photo / image the right light (proper exposure). And vice versa of the ISO number (eg 3200) has a high level of sensitivity and a light sensor that reatif bit to get the right picture of light. This effect on the resulting image.

As such a low ISO requires more light with a high level of sensitivity of the sensor. The resulting photo will be relatively clean (relatively free of noise), with richer colors (a lot) and bright. Not the case with when we use a higher ISO number. With this level of sensitivity to higher light, but require low light intensity, photo generated relatively less clean (relatively more noise it).

Night Photo ISO 3200/f2,2

Keep us always in a low ISO number. Between 100-200 for normal limits or to limit the number 400. But one day we are required to use the ISO greater numbers, especially to reduce camera shake because the shutter speed is very slow and at times shooting in low light.

Do not forget to incorporate a combination of numbers shutter speed, aperture and ISO to get a better photo.

Canon Kit Lens : EFS 18-55mm/f3.5-5.6

For those who are new to the kit lens Canon EFS 18-55mm/f3.5-5.6, this information may be helpful to understand the lens.
EFS? EF-S Code in Canon kit lens means the lens is made for a camera that has a mirror box 2/3 smaller than usual 35mm/EOS camera mirror. The term is commonly known as the 1.6x cropping factor. The lens EF-S was deliberately made by Canon to meet user market middle-class cameras. It's point is located at the camera. The cameras that support the lens EF-S also known as sub-frame camera. The cameras can also use the code EF lenses, or lenses that support the full frame cameras. But cameras can not use the full frame lenses with EF-S code.
Figures 18-55mm lens focal length is addressed. That is the Canon kit lens, we freely choose the focal length from 18mm to 55mm. This is also a zoom lens.
Focal length is the length between the focal point of the lens with the camera sensor point. Well this lens focal length determines the width, breadth of view coverage that can be received by the camera. For example, focal length lens with 18mm wide-lens view of the extensive coverage of more than 35mm focal length lens.
The figure shows the description of f3.5-5.6 lens diaphragm. Description This figure shows that if we change the focal length lens, for example, from 18mm to 35mm, large aperture lenses will also change automatically. Remember that the larger the diaphragm, the smaller the lens opening to receive the light that goes into it. The figure also shows the number f3.5 aperture lens is the largest owned.
Image Stabilizer, by definition, explaining that the lens has the ability to dampen vibration of light that occurs especially when we pressed the button for the camera / image capture. This stabilizer function can be set on / off it on the appropriate button on the lens kit.
AF / MF, the information to select the Automatic / Manual Focus on the lens.
Up/0.25m/0.8ft close symbol, explaining the kit lens can capture a good image when the object has a distance of at least 0.25m/25cm or 0.8feet of the lens.
Hopefully useful .....

I took from my blog at http://kamerafotografi.blogspot.com/